Governance.Business sponsor PM Summit Lisbon 2022
September 19, 2022Event
An event dedicated to the Governance.Business community.
InovaPrime organized the 3rd Customer Forum | Governance.Business on 5th March at the Sana Metropolitan Hotel in Lisbon.
We had the opportunity to exchange ideas with our customers and partners around their usage of Governance.Business and collect valuable insights on their benefits and their vision for the growth of Governance.Business.
The focus was to share knowledge and experiences on the usage of Governance.Business, but also to discuss the future versions of the product and our strategic roadmap.
We had the possibility to show some awesome features of the new version of Governance.Business (that will be launched in April), present a customer business case, and share the strategic roadmap for 2024/25.
This was a very important moment for Governance.Business because all of our Portuguese clients were together to share experiences and learn with each other. Customer feedback, expectations and needs from teams that use our product daily are crucial to continuously improving our product.
At InovaPrime, we believe that the community around the Governance.Business is essential to grow and deliver a valuable solution for our clients and empower their success.